Tuesday, March 17, 2015

THE LAST LESSON by Alphonse Daudet


         Word                                  Meaning

  1. Chirp-   A short sharp sound made by small birds.
  2. Sawmill- A factory in which wood is cut into boards etc. by machinery.
  3. Draft- Conscription; ordering people by law to serve in the army.
  4. Dread- Awe, Fear
  5. Apprentice- A young person who has agreed to work for a skilled employer   for        a fixed period for a low wage, in return for being taught that person's skill.
  6. Bustle- Excited activity, tumult.
  7. Unison- Saying, singing or doing the something at the same time.
  8. Rapping-Striking sharply.
  9. Frilled- Having ornamental edging.
  10. Thunderclap- Loud crash made by thunder.
  11. Commotion- Confusion, Tumult.
  12. Solemn- Serious, Sacred.
  13. Thumbed- To handle in an awkward manner
  14. Mounted- Climbed

Question Answers

Think as you read  (part-I)

1)What was Franz expected to be prepared with for school that day?

Ans: Franz was expected to be prepared with participles that day for school, as Mr. Hamel had said that he would question them on participles.

2) What did Franz notice that was unusual about the school that day?

Ans: That day little Franz noticed many unusual things about the school. Usually, in the beginning of the school there used to be a great bustle, which could be heard out in the street. However, it was all quite that day as if it was a Sunday morning. There was no opening and closing desks, there was no melody of unison. Franz through the window saw his classmates already in their places. The teacher's great ruler was also unusually put under M.Hamels arm instead of rapping it on the table.

3) What had been put up on the bulletin-board?

Ans: Franz had  a negative view about the bulletin-board as for the last two years only bad news had come from it. That day was no exception as Germans had put up an order passed from Berlin on the bulletin-board to teach only German in the school of Alsace and Lorraine.

Think as you read  (part-II)

1) What changes did the order from Berlin cause in school that day?

Ans: The order from Berlin caused man changes in the school that day. The entire school seemed strange and solemn. The old villagers were sitting on the back benches of the classroom quietly to thank M. Hamel for his forty years of faithful service and for showing their respect for the country. M.Hamel also had put on his best dress on that day though it was not an inspection or prize day. The order from Berlin also brought a sense of repentance for those who in spite of having time didn't learn the French properly.

2)  How did Franz's feelings about M.Hamel and school change?

Ans: Earlier Franz didn't like M. Hamel much because of his ruler and cranky nature and he would feel fear from him but now all those feelings were entirely changed for M.Hamel.

The message conveyed by M.Hamel about the order from Berlin was a thunderclap for little Franz. He immediately felt sorry for not being sincere in the school and for not learning the French language and other lessons properly. His books, which seemed a nuisance and a burden earlier ere now Franz's old friends.

Additional Questions:


 1) Give a brief description of the character of M.Hamel.

Ans: M.Hamel was a teacher of strict discipline. Students were afraid of his cranky nature and iron ruler. He was a true patriot and a sincere teacher who dedicatingly served the school for long forty years. The heart of this true Frenchman totally broke when he received the order from Berlin to vacate his place to make the space for a new German teacher. he remained upset during his last class. This changed his behavior too and he behaved rather very politely and patiently. When Frenz was not able to say his lesson correctly instead of scolding him he just made him understand about the importance and relevancy of learning the mother tongue. he preached everyone presented in the class that important things should never be postponed as time flies very fast.

2) Why was little Franz afraid of being scolded?

Ans: Little Franz was in great dread of a scolding, especially because M. Hamel had said that he would question them on participles butlittle Franz didn't know anything about it.

3) What did M.Hamel say about the French language?

Ans: M.Hamel said that French language was world's most beautiful , clearest and logical
language and therefore it should be guarded and should not be forgotten by them. He also added that the love with one's own language can be proven as the key to the prison for the people who live in enslaved country.

4) Usually how Franz's school began in the morning?

Ans: Usually when Franz's school began, there was a great bustle, which could be heard out in the street. the opening and closing of desk by students was a usual thing on a normal school day. Students also repeated the lessons in unison. They kept their hands over their ears to understand better. The teacher would go on rapping the table with  his great iron ruler.

5) Why did villagers come to school that day?
 Ans: The old men of the village came to the school that day to thank M.Hamel for his forty years of faithful service. they also came to show their respect for the country that was theirs no more.

6) How did Franz react to the words "This is your last French lesson?"

Ans: These unexpected words from M.Hamel were thunderclap to little Franz. He then immediately realized why there was a crowed at the bulletin-board. He also clearly understood why the village people had come to school that day and why his teacher M.Hamel was wearing his best dress, his fine sunday suit.

7) How did Franz find teaching and learning that day?

Ans: Franz found teaching and learning very interesting that day. he was very attentive and careful. Franz also realized that M.Hamel had never explained everything with so much patience. It seemed almost as if the poor man wanted to give them all he knew before going away. M.Hamel wanted to put it all into their heads at one stroke as it there last lesson.

8) Why was M. Hamel dressed differently that day?

Ans: M Hamel dressed differently that day. He was wearing his best dress which he never used to wear except on inspection and prize days because M.Hamel knew that it was his last lesson and it was in honor of this last lesson that he had put on his fine Sunday cloths.

8) How was the order from Berlin going to make a difference to the lives of the students ? (Questin asked by Maha Laxmi)

Ans: The order from Berlin was that the students as well as villagers will be taught only German  in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine.  The whole school seemed so strange and solemn after hearing the order from Berlin. The order from Berlin going to make a drastic difference to the lives of the students as they will no longer be taught French and from the next day they will be taught German. They will not find M. Hamel in their classroom from the next day. The order will make the students realize how precious their language was. 

Very Short Answers 


1) What did M.Hamel do when he wanted to go fishing?

Ans: M.Hamel gave holiday to the school whenever he wanted to go fishing.

2) What did little Franz think for a moment that morning?

Ans: For a moment little Franz thought of running away and spending the day out of doors.

3) What were the Prussian soldiers doing that morning?

Ans: The Prussian soldiers were drilling in the open field back of the saw mill.

4) What did Franz see when he passed the town hall?

Ans: When Franz passed the town hall he saw a crowed in front of the bulletin-board.

5) What is the main theme of the story 'The Last Lesson'?

Ans: The main theme of the story 'The Last Lesson' is linguistic chauvinism.

6) How was M.Hamel's behavior that day or during his last lesson?

Ans: M.Hamel was solemn and gentle that day and he was sad throughout his last lesson.


Note: Please do mail or leave a message in the comment box if you require any other questions to be answered). I would be more than happy to assist you.